第21章 珺琦小郎君

  “I know your help, but I also want to know your purpose at the same time.”(我知道你对我的帮助,可是我同时也想知道你与此同时的目的)

  “Lucifer, these are too crude. It's just that we are one kind of people.”(路西法,说这些太生疏了。只是因为我们是一类人而已)

  “Oh, now is not the time to say polite things.”(哦,现在可不是说客套话的时候。)


  “Well, maybe we should change the topic. For instance, it seems that you have a good relationship with her.”(那好吧,或许我们该换个话题,比如看起来你和她的关系很不错)

  “Are you asking me to say I don't mind her death?”(你是让我说我不介意她的死活吗)不知道为什么,贺望舒总觉得沈佑安在说这句话的时候语气也有些不耐——明明是那么无所谓的语气啊。

  “No, no, no. I can't bear it.”(不,不。我可舍不得)

  “Hate to part with or use? You know they have nothing to do with them.”(舍不得?你知道她们没什么关系)

  孔恺枫轻笑了一声,缓缓道:“It seems that you also have something you don't know.”(看来你也有不知道的事情)

  出乎意料的,沈佑安脸上是一贯的朗月清风,似乎对这个结果不甚在意:“So what do you want?”(所以你想怎么样?)

  “My friend, We will have time to talk about this matter.”(我的朋友,我们会有时间好好地谈谈这件事情的)


  “At ......


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